Business Valuation

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Intellectual Capital Appraisals

What is an IC Appraisal?
A systematic method for identifying, measuring and managing intellectual capital assets


FACT: On average, less than 30% of the overall value of a typical business is represented by tangible assets. This means that the overwhelming majority of assets are not captured in the traditional financial reporting system

Why is this important?
Put in very simple terms - How can you manage what you don't measure? If 100% of your efforts are spent on managing tangible assets then what becomes of the remaining 70% of assets which make up your business value?


What do we measure?
In a typical IC appraisal exercise 230 business parameters are measured, covering the following areas:


Censere uses the proprietary IC Rating methodology developed by Intellectual Capital Sweden which provides three views of your organisation from an intellectual capital perspective to enhance traditional financial reports

When to do an IC Appraisal?

  • When you really want to get serious about providing comprehensive information to stakeholders
  • When you want to fully understand your organisation and improve its performance or benchmark against others
  • When evaluating potential acquisitions, integrating recent acquisitions or considering divestments
Our forte is providing tangible support to clients with cross-border investments - our integrated solutions and extensive geographical reach works to your advantage.
Welcome to Censere!

Our forte is providing tangible support to clients with cross-border investments - our integrated solutions and extensive geographical reach works to your advantage.

Censere is a leading valuation group with a dedicated network of 12 offices throughout Asia Pacific and Europe. Censere, together with the other businesses of Phusjon Group, provide a unique range of services to those who demand quality, independent advice. Our forte is providing tangible support to clients with cross-border investments. Whether it's modelling investment outcomes to support your strategic decision making process, valuation of investment targets or specific assets or insightful research to assist with market entry, Censere can assist.

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